South Dublin Branch - Notes

Wryneck - Mizen Head, Cork (photo: Michael O'Keeffe)

Miscellaneous Notes

This page contains a variety of notes etc. on various birding topics that may be of interest to South Dublin members. The documents in this page will open in a new window or tab depending on the browser being used.

Title / Subject Author View
End of Branch Notes
A Closer Look at Swifts and Hirundines (PDF 3MB) Dave Bird HERE
My Best Day Birding (PDF 2MB) Dermot Breen HERE
Drygalski Fjord, South Georgia (PDF 7.6MB) Mark Carmody HERE
ID of Winter Ring-billed & Common Gulls (PDF 3.2MB) Derek Charles HERE
My Best Few Hours Birding in Ireland (PDF 2.1MB) Derek Charles HERE
Identification of Glaucous & Iceland Gull (PDF 4.7MB) Dick Coombes HERE
I'm Just Going to Check that Garden... (PDF 13MB) John Coveney HERE
Rare trio on Cape Clear Island in 1983 (PDF 5.5MB) John Coveney HERE
The Day with the Sting in the Tail (PDF 14MB) Kieran Fahy HERE
2016 South Dublin Bavaria Trip Report (PDF 1.7MB) Sean Geraty HERE
Phoenix Park: A Gaggle of Geese (PDF 2.1MB) Sean Geraty HERE
A List of Irish Birds, v.14.1 (PDF 9.1MB) Joe Hobbs HERE
A List of Rare Birds on Cape Clear Island v.6.0 (PDF 117.9MB) Joe Hobbs HERE
A List of Some Rarer Birds in Dublin v.7.2 (PDF 87.4MB) Joe Hobbs HERE
First Irish records from Co. Galway (PDF 1.1MB) Joe Hobbs HERE
First Irish records from the East Coast (PDF 275KB) Joe Hobbs HERE
First Irish records, 1800 to 2010 v.2.0 (PDF 65.5MB) Joe Hobbs HERE
Nearctic Landbirds in Ireland v.1.6 (PDF 35.1MB) Joe Hobbs HERE
A Memorable Weekend Birding (PDF 8.8MB) Aidan G. Kelly HERE
2017 Dublin Bird Race - sightings round-up (PDF) Niall T. Keogh HERE
Juvenile Common, Arctic & Roseate Terns (PDF 4MB) Pat Lonergan HERE
Identification of Juvenile Peeps (PDF 6.3MB) Pat Lonergan HERE
2014 Branch Trip to AndalucĂ­a - Report (PDF 1MB) Stephen McAvoy HERE
2015 Branch Trip to Austria - Report (PDF 1.7MB) Stephen McAvoy HERE
Identification of Cormorants and Shags (PDF 3MB) Michael O'Keeffe HERE
Dublin Bay Birds Project (PDF 730KB) Ricky Whelan HERE